Monday, 1 October 2007

Complementary Therapies for Cancer Patients

You will find that most large hospital provide alternative complementary therapies for cancer patients. The therapies will differ from hospital to hospital.

Darent Valley are trialing a scheme. You must be referred there by a doctor/nurse. You can contact the scheme on 01322 428102. You must ring on Monday or Friday between 10am - 3pm. I have used the scheme and found it very beneficial.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Discount tickets on the London Eye

Yep, if you are disabled, you can get discount tickets on the London eye. £11 and your carer goes FREE! Bargain! More details at the following link.

National Disabled Toilet Key

Yep, found out another perk being disabled. Apparently most major stores use a single type of key to lock their disabled toilets. It is all run by a company called Radar and you can buy a key from the website, for £3.50. I'm not sure of the true benifit since most people that use disabled toilets tend to the have difficulty aiming.